Friday, September 12, 2008

Update time!

So I finally got round to doing some updates!! fuckin hell that took ages!! arrghh, but as promised! here they are!
first is some pics from a few years ago, hell, 5 years!! shit! when T-1 came to NZ, we went on a lil bit of a trip, so many amazing sights and pics taken, and also footage which im sure many of you may have seen on the T-1 DVD, most def one of the best trips I've been on, surfing, riding, chilling, and more chilling!! ahaha, sweeeet, well hope you enjoy 'em!

So I finally got round to doing some updates!! fuckin hell that took ages!! arrghh, but as promised! here they are!
first is some pics from a few years ago, hell, 5 years!! shit! when T-1 came to NZ, we went on a lil bit of a trip, so many amazing sights and pics taken, and also footage which im sure many of you may have seen on the T-1 DVD, most def one of the best trips I've been on, surfing, riding, chilling, and more chilling!! ahaha, sweeeet, well hope you enjoy 'em!

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