Saturday, September 13, 2008

she's gone!

well, I was in auckland city the other day, wondering around, went to aotea square, and the fuckin fountain was getting pulled down!! seriously so fuckin bizarre to see it happening, I remember seeing an episode of mountain dew on the edge when I was 13 or 14, and seeing phil urwin and team wallride riding aotea square and completely shredding shit, I then made it my life mission that next time my family came to auckland that I get to bring my bike and ride the fountain, a year later I achieved that, if you have ridden the fountain, then you know how totally awesome it is!!! and the amount of nuts shit that has happened on it both riding and skating as well, this fuckin fountain has been around the world so many times!!! anyways, I shot a few pics with the olde iphone while I was there and sent them to zombie mike, peep his page to see it, was trying hard to hold back the tears!

p.s-Glenn Becker put the shutdown on this thing on that mountain dew on the edge segment with the fakie wallride one of the most amazing things to see on video!

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