ahaha, 'up-date' ah ha uh, theres a picture of a date!
Chris from 666 is in the states on business at the moment, anyways, I'm gonna be getting him to send some pics and news on what he's been doing, he's on his way to ASR which is a huge brand tradeshow, and rick thorne's band is playing at one of the after parties! lets hope he gets a shot of that crazy bastard doing his thing! bwahaha, I still think rick thorne is awesome hay, no one could rock those white knee pads and knee high socks like him!!! maybe chris will set him on fire like in his pic! bwahaha, thorne's face may melt off it looks so plastic! I'm sure he wears make up!
go get me sum jolly cola and a pack of dunhills!
ha ha ha,he said date.its lost so much of its true meaning
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