Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Monday, January 21, 2008
Update from the states!

ahaha, 'up-date' ah ha uh, theres a picture of a date!
Chris from 666 is in the states on business at the moment, anyways, I'm gonna be getting him to send some pics and news on what he's been doing, he's on his way to ASR which is a huge brand tradeshow, and rick thorne's band is playing at one of the after parties! lets hope he gets a shot of that crazy bastard doing his thing! bwahaha, I still think rick thorne is awesome hay, no one could rock those white knee pads and knee high socks like him!!! maybe chris will set him on fire like in his pic! bwahaha, thorne's face may melt off it looks so plastic! I'm sure he wears make up!
Sir Edmund Hilary passed away.
Nasty's still got it!

Was parousing the net today and found this video on bmxonline. Fuckin awesome to see Nasty shredding it! He has always been one of my favourite riders to watch, smooth and gnarly. I remember back in the day watching his props interview and he was just a lil kid. then there was that crazy movie that came out about him, which showed him as some sort of glammed up superstar. I did think that was a lil bit fishy! And then there was of course the horrific car crash that almost took his life and left him in a wheelchair for almost a year. Amazing to see someone going form a broken neck to throwing down crazy flipwhips and shit on these big fuckin jumps! madness! Tha nasty dogg will always be a fav, and also, cool to see Puppa Parslow as well, alot of people think he's a dick or whatever, but I think he's a really nice guy, sure he gets a lil bit egged up when on the loose juice, but one on one he's a really chill dude. I remember once at xair we were sitting having a drink, and he was telling me that his drive to become a better rider and person, has always been his dad, motivating him and telling him he can do anything he puts his mind to, he must be one proud dad today and also, at school he was never good at anything, and some teachers would tell him that he's never gonna do anything with his life cause he was always goofing off and messing around, I bet they have changed their tunes now. Another funny fact that people may or may not know is that Parslow is actually form New Zealand, he grew up in Whakatane, a small coastal town on the east coast of the north island. Ha, and here's a pic of nasty and myself, I think we were talking about babies, nappy changing to be precise! ahaha!!
Sunday, January 20, 2008
more of tims shit!
Fark, Too White's bike-o-rama!
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
New Gloves!!??
Some dope rides!

My boi heath has been building a couple of project bikes over the past 8 months or so, and they're finally finished, check these bad boys! he's also got a skyways in the works, but pics of that when he's got it together, if you see him and his missus peddling around takapuna in auckland throw them up some D's!!!!
Austin-ite in NZ

So I was at work a while ago, and got an email from me mate Taj saying that he was coming to to NZ for a trip, his plan was to ride from auckland to wellington, catch up with some family at the top of the south island, then train or bus back to auckland and stay with me and my lady for a few days. Ha, well, the NZ weather got the better of him, needless to say that he got a bit blown around while out on the road! anyways, he had a layover in LA before flying out so Etnies took him out for a lil bit os a riding sesh, you can check it here!
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Bulling up the red!!

On Sunday we had a lil bit of a gethering shoreside, it was a fuckin awesome time, Jswiz from redbull came over with teh humemr and we went for a lazy bike ride round devo, it was stinking hot so we found a nice spot in bayswater and chilled hard with hot chip sandwichesm some beers and some swet sounds from the hummer, my only regret is that the tide was higher to go for a swim, goodtimes! here's some pics from the day, and also some of 666 mike riding his trackbike and me and my piece of shit bike that looks like a track bike but is actually a trip to the hospital waiting to happen! I only ride it to work when it rains, so I'm trying to keep it as shit as possible!
Monday, January 14, 2008
Ohhhh ALF!!
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Light Shit!

So, this has been posted on a few sights, but I just thought I would throw it up here, kinda fuckin weird to have a bike that light hay! how tha hell are ya meant to get some hangtime with no weight behind ya to kick the back end out, I bet my left nut sack though that this kid knows how to do bunnyhop tailwhips, just like the ten billion other kids out there hay! check it out here!
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Explosions in the Sky in NZ

So, One of my all time top 5's are playing here in NZ next month for the first time, Explosions in the sky, if you're wandering what they sound like, it's like Jakob, Mogwai, Mono, Godspeed...sorta sounds, really really cool shit! Looking forward to chilling with a cold brew and being buzzed out by their tunes. They're playing here in Auckland Feb 11th at the KA, and in welly on the 12th at san francisco bath house, $45 pre sales from real groovy, fuckin sweet!
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
And Now!
What tha fuck happened to Britney!

Anyways, I just saw on Entertainment Tonight, how fucked up Britney Spears is, jeezz, crazy that money can do that to you! still, she was pretty shredding in her hay day hay, then she went through that piece of shit stage, and now she's gonna be thrown in a looney bin for speaking like an Englishman! fuckin dumbass!!!
The Boss

Everyone has a favourite rider right!!?? someone who, when they were growing up riding thought, 'man, that guy is fuckin awesome!' From either to how they set their bike up, to the freakin awesome tricks they would do! In the early years, when I first started riding, I thought guys like Mike Krnaich, Mike Dominguiez, Vic Murphy, Perry Mervar, The Gute, Ruben Castillo, Manual De La Cruz, were the Bees Knees! But probably the one rider who I thought was absoultly fuckin awesome was Jerry Galley! If you ain't heard of jerry Galley, then I suggest you look for a video called Nails In the coffin by bicycle union, or any of the seventies vids, or Angus vids to name a few. His biggest appeal to me was that he would just blast the shit out of ramps, roasting gnarly tables, turndowns and no handers to name a few. And he was smooth as well! He rode for King bikes for a while, ya know, Stuart Kings company, probably one of the best bike companies ever, stuart kings dad was a race car designer, so everything was precision made, and the King liberty frame paved the way to how many frames look today. As time went by, Jerry Galley sorta went 'undercover' but I've heard rumours of him turning up to playstation skatepark in London, shredding the shit out of it, then leaving. All while wearing an open face helmet and shorts! Anyways, if you're on the net and you see a Jerry Galley vid watch it, and be amazed at dis bad ass englishman!
Monday, January 7, 2008
Got a couple of interviews with a few people in the works over the next wee while, keep an eye out for them! swell!!
Sunday, January 6, 2008
More T-1

as I posted before, here' s a few more pics from tha tour a few years ago, I found MORE pics as well! sheesh, they never seem to end! so will scan those and put them up! here, some are from a wee lil session at lynfield, and a couple more from my parents house in tolaga bay north of gisbourne, we spent a few days there surfing and eating sweet food and doing sweet fuck all! holla!
The Man!

ahaha, so, We've got this freind, his name's warrren but for decades he's gone by the name, The Wazman, don't ask why, thats a whole different story! anyways, he's an awesome rider, and a really puts the 'arty' into 'party' he likes to smoke weed, drink booze, smoke more weed, ride bikes, smoke more weed, chill at the beach, smoke weed, and he's a concrete layer for a living! anyways, mike zombie sent me these funny pics from ages ago, of the party animal in action, and one the next morning, big props on the weed leaf blanket, that thing musy have been really warm!
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
Some random shit!
We went for a lil bit of a ride the otehr day down to the skatepark in devonport, I had my digi cam with me cause I was taking some more pics of too whites trade me wares! anyways, I hadn't really taken any pics of bmx before, but i thought seeing as I have my digi cam we should goof off and snap a few shots, here's the result! oh yeah, I couldn't ride cause for some reason my front wheel fell off! arrrgggh!
p.s-oh yeah, for some reason the header image don't wanna load, im working on it so hopefully it will be up there in the next day or two and you can laugh your ass off at it!!
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