So anyways, at 6 O'clock tha other morning tha stork came by and dropped off this lil bastard! Harmony Brooke Wilson-Ngata. I must give much respect to my girl Amanda, she was in labour for three days with this lil bum nugget!! Fuckin buzzy becoming a Dad, you're not too sure whats going on but as long as she knows that Daddy is keen for beers then it's all good! I can't believe i'm a father, I feel sorry for her already! ahahahaha, started getting her Micro Free Agent together the other day thansk to Too White! I can't wait to be a track dad, "Peddle!! Peddle!!!!!!!' ahahah....NOT! but yeah, its cool having a daughter, you sorta feel slightly grown up but then you remember that you ride BMX bikes for fun and it all evens out! ahah!
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