Sunday, June 29, 2008
kn weather!!
so the weather was turgent again in the weekend, was hoping to do some shit to the ramp but hopefully this weekend!!! fuckin weather, and its monday and its fine, the weather can go get fucked! I went to aus for this redbull dirtpipe thing the other week, had a ride but hurt me wrist! ahgahaha, wristy! so did some filming and threw together a lil edit, check it out on zombie as there's some errors popping up on my screen when i upload it, anyways, I think theres a jam on this weekend, I not sure though, who knows! been filming for upcoming zombie web edit too, it looks pretty sweet so far, more on that soon!
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
shit weekend!! but made the best of it!!

so the weekend was fuckin wet, no riding at all, well, sort of, me and the wazman thought it would be a good idea to ride around and get drunk all day so here are some pics! we went and drank at the public toilets in devonport, the usual drinking spot, then went up north head which, for those of you who don't know, was a military base back in the day, heaps of cool trenches and shit to drink in, after many a jim beam and radlers, shit got a lil bit blurry! then wazman sparked up the silver bullet and that was the end of the night, asleep by 8 oclock!! ahahaha, booyashaka!!
Thursday, June 19, 2008
yo, well, been sometime! but shit has been crazy busy here in the past few months!! don't worrry, the club is back in action, expect some bug updates this weekend, and lots of pics n heaps of stupid shit!!!!
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